
Follow us on twitter @ytownclassb for the latest updates and weather delays at Bob Cene Park.

Streaming Broadcast of Games

Games will be streaming live on YSNLive.com  Check it out.  


We highly encourage all the visiting teams, coaches, players, parents and other spectators to read and follow the Park rules. You can find them under " DOCUMENTS", then "RULES". There are 2 files there. Both have the Cene Park Rules on the last page.

Listed here are a few that MUST be followed:

1) Uniforms: ALL players & coaches MUST be in complete uniforms prior to setting foot on the Park property. This is an absolute must and nothing less will be accepted! Coaches must be in full uniforms which include baseball pants, top and baseball hat. Coaches are NOT permitted to wear shorts or visor type hats. Failure to follow this rule can lead to expulsion from the Park! VERY SERIOUS!

2) Players, again MUST be in complete uniform prior to entering the Park property! Do Not show up in shorts with the thought of changing into uniform pants after arrival. ALL teams must be dressed in the same uniforms!  For example, one player cannot show up with a different color jersey, pants or hat, than his team mates. Each team must be uniformed the same.

3) Parking: DO NOT park in the employee parking area behind the concession stand, which is marked with signs. There is plenty of parking at field 1 and field 3. Vehicles will be towed if parked in the employee parking area!

4) Understand that there is an admission charge.

5) NO coolers permitted.

6) NO pets of any kind permitted in the Park.

7) Bob Cene Park is private property. Non-compliance to any Park rule or policy will result in removal.

8) NO smoking! There are designated areas for those who have the need.

These are not all the rules but some highlights, please read all the rules. Thank you for your cooperation!



Bob Cene Park

Ÿ  Concession stand with plenty of food options available at Bob Cene Park

Ÿ  NO coolers permitted in the park  

Ÿ  NO Pets permitted in the park

Ÿ  Admission is $10/day; $8/seniors; 12 and under free.

Ÿ  Players must be in full uniform

Ÿ  No smoking (only in designated smoking areas)